Thursday, December 14, 2006


Hey everyone! Well, Emily has a lot on her plate and is stationed down three floors from where the internet is, so she won't be able to blog these pictures. However, I get to do it in her stead. We've received many reminders to blog them today, primarily from my beloved sister, Heather, who can't be here to see the baby and so insists that we post them a.s.a.p. I appologize to her for the delay! Anyway, here's what we've got!

Jacey Jeffrey Palmer was born December 13, 2006 at 12:55 pm at a good 7 lbs 14 oz. He's 20 1/2 inches long and has lots of dark hair. The delivery was rough. On Tuesday night at about 11:00 Emily and I made a quick stop by the shoppers drug mart in Silver Springs to pick up a little bottle of Castor Oil. Oh boy. Emily nearly psyched herself out of doing it but after much persuasion and reminding that "tonight" was the night she wanted to have the baby, she finally took courage. She mixed it with white cranberry juice and stirred AND drank with a straw at the same time. It was quite amazing. Soda crackers were on hand for whenever she needed to take a break but after about 5 minutes she finally got it all down. One hour later it kicked in! Emily's contractions went from an average of 15 minutes apart to 4! We slept until 4 am when Emily woke up with some really painful contractions and 9 hours later we had a baby boy. The delivery was hard. Baby wasn't quite in the right position which added a couple more hours of labour to the day. But Emily was amazing! She did such a terrific job! She did everything Carol asked her to and did it all with zero pain killers! No epidural, no nitrous oxide, no morphine, not even ibuprophen. She was a true hero. Women endure a lot for us! I had a really hard time not crying throughout the whole experience. I love my Emily. Anyway, enjoy the pictures of our little stud and we'll be sure to put some more on here as the holiday continues. Merry Christmas everyone!