Tuesday, July 17, 2007

The Latest

Hello everyone! It's been a while. I'm now living in my new house (basement suite) and I love it! I have to take pictures of it so you can see the magical transformation that has taken place. I'll do that soon. We are loving everything about being here. Especially the COOL feeling that comes with basements. We sleep wonderfully and even use blankets still. The only downfall to our place at the moment is the lack of kitchen. I'm happily living off of microwave meals for now. That's what 10 months of living with parents/-in-laws will do to you. As long as I'm on my own, I don't care! We have a microwave and a mini fridge right now. And since I don't want to do dishes in my bathroom sink, we use paper ones! I feel like I'm camping! :) It's an adventure. We've been kind of slow getting the kitchen started because Jeffrey and I were just happy to be on our own for once that we just relished in that for a while. And Michael and Melinda have been busy painting upstairs and trying to sell their condo! So hopefully soon it will pick up!

Jacey is growing like nuts! He's taller and taller all the time. Last time I went to the doctor they told me he was above average tall and under average weight. That was me growing up too! (Not anymore..it's reverse now:( ) He's as cute as ever! He will spend lots of time now during the day just playing with his toys. He loves to sit in his high chair with a few toys and watch Baby Einstein dvds. Also he loves his little stand up jolly jumper thing. We inherited it from Heather and Gannon (thank you guys) and he loves it! It's got piano keys under his feet and up by his hands that he can play and it plays all sorts of songs! Plus the part he sits in rotates and moves from side to side, so he gets lots of walking practice! Lots of fun! I'm struggling with two things with him right now. Sleep and eating! He only likes to go to sleep with someone and then if he wakes up, won't go to sleep unless I feed him or rock him. Now I know we made him develop that habit by holding him all the time when he was just a newborn, and we haven't had the heart to let him cry it out yet. I just wish there was another answer? Any suggestions anyone? The other problem is his teeth! He grew two on the bottom at about 4-5 months (he's 7 months now) and I'd never had a real problem with him biting me while eating, until this week! He bites SOO hard! So hard! And almost every time he nurses! So hard that I've cried! No blood yet thank goodness! I guess I cry partly because it hurts so bad, and partly because I don't know what else to do! He will not take a bottle. Even if it's my milk. He'll suck for like 2 seconds and then it becomes a chew toy. Much like myself. :( I was so desperate yesterday, I thought he might have to starve to death because I was afraid to let him nurse, and he wouldn't take a bottle! BUT..Cyndi came to the rescue! You see, Jacey loves to drink water, either from the water bottle, or a cup. So we just fed him formula from a cup and he drank it!! Lots of it! I was SO happy! So we'll probably be going straight from nursing to a cup! Which is kind of annoying because we might not be able to use sippy cups, but oh well! Anyway, that was my dilemma, but I think we solved it! Hopefully the cup lasts! He's learned two things lately that have just melted my heart! He reaches now! I'll pass by his high chair and he'll reach up for me. Or if he's in someone's arms, he'll reach for someone else! It's SO cute!! The other thing is that he waves now! But he's proved me a liar so many times because he won't do it all the time. But I did get the cutest video of it that I'll put on here! It's so delicate and graceful! Makes me laugh! And smile so big that I think my face is going to burst! It's so funny the things that parents are proud of!!! He started doing it sunday morning and I don't think I've ever been prouder of him!!! It was a great day!! Well, I'm going to meet Jeffrey for lunch now, but when I get back, I'll post some new pics and his waving video! Ciao for now!


Heather Palmer said...

Great update!!! Glad to see you posting again!

FamiLee said...

Love to hear all the news..can't wait to talk to you and see your sweet boy who is growing and changing so much!

Katie Hornberger said...

I've just played catch up on all your blogs. First of all, little did I know that you told Troy to go to the bathroom in the water, and Ethan was just following his lead. I may not have gotten after him so much. Still, he should know better. The veggie pictures are hilarious. So lucky you caught them on camera. I wish I could play back all the funny things only the mom sees when no one else was around. As far as the sleeping issue--I'm afraid there's no other way, you have to let him cry it out. It does not hurt him and you'll be so glad you did. Maybe that helps parents too to learn tough love from the beginning, because it only gets harder and you can't let the kids run the show!
Looking at your blog tempts me only for a second to start my own. But of course I won't. I dont' need anything else to take up my time. Love to read 'em though!