Thursday, July 19, 2007

First Veggie Experience

This was the funniest thing ever! Last night was the first time we gave Jacey baby veggie food. It was squash and man did it ever smell bad! And apparantly it tasted bad too!!! When we saw these pictures after, we laughed so hard we cried! We still can't stop laughing when we see them! Ahh...I love this boy!!


Jeni said...

Those really make it look like torture.. Like you are feeding him poison or something! WHat a doll! I am so glad I got to see him!

Alysha Sladek said...

hahahahahahahaha looooove it!!! he's soooo adorable! those totally cracked me up!

TheMarets said...

Thats to cute Emily. hahaha

make sure to try the food yourself first, to make sure it didn't go bad :) If its out of a jar, that is.

KandyJill said...

That kid is absolutely hilarious. I'm crying I'm laughin so hard... he's so cute. What an animated little boy!!

Laura Leavitt said...

those are sooooo funny. I love them,they are such good pictures too. Nice having a good photographer around. The moment was captured perfectly. I find that there is always somethign to laugh about with having kids.they are too funny. Jacey is such a little stud muffin

Heather Palmer said...

Those photos are HILARIOUS! He looks like he's totally being tortured. What a funny kid! Nixon was the same with Green Beans. Eeew. I can't say I'd ever eat them either. Try and Sweet Potatos, he's bound to love them.

Kearl Klan said...

Those pictures really are hilarious!! I can't blame him for feeling that way, but those pictures are so dramatic! How cute!!!

Melissa said...

Those pictures couldn't be any better. I love them. The last looks like, "Ok mom I'll eat it but I am not going to like it" Hilarious!!

FamiLee said...

I can't believe those pictures! They are incredible...I don't think I have ever laughed so hard...and I can't believe you caught the moment so perfect. I seriously think you could enter a compition with those. So awesome! I will look at those when ever I feel glumy. :)

Melinda Palmer said...

I keep coming back to these and laughing so hard...I can't believe the extreme reaction! He's so funny.