1. As a comment on my blog, leave one memory that you and I had together. It doesn't matter if you knew/know me a little or a lot, anything you remember!
2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. It's actually pretty funny to see the responses. If you leave a memory about me, I'll assume you're playing the game and I'll come to your blog and leave one about you.
Christmas and New Years
1 month ago
I keep thinking about what to write.... One thing that comes to mind is girls' camp... orange gas bomb... need I say more? ;) hmmmm what else... numerous video clips either dancing or singing or both... dressing up (I've got a great pic I need to send to you. Quite funny) the list goes on and on and on...
oh the dances... getting in free 'cause we really were nerds... trips in roberta's boat... many many parties... we really did have a lot of fun!
singing together as pregos for the Messiah...didn't you just feel SO skinny?
That is cool about your brother Michael. I still picture Alana as a beehive. She was such a sweet girl. That was funny you mentioned the answering machine message because I was thinking about it the other day and how we sounded so good...then I thought harder and realized it sounded good only because of your musical talents.
I have so much candy for camp
The funniest was the last day of EFY when we were so over tired and sitting in that class when I can't even remember what guys were making signs and showing them to us and we could not stop laughing...then just when I got my self under control I look over and that weird guy was asleep in his chair and doing that hand thing...and I lost it. Then Donald and Kevin came as a surprise and we all had such a fun day....Do you remember DOnald doing the JAck impersonations with the Micky mouse shirt? So funny. That was a fun day.
Love Grandma
You stole some of the best ones. FOR SURE the laughing fit...that still makes me laugh too. I have some from our earlier "I know you exist but I can't talk to you days", like singing in that YW program thing. Also, you coming boating with the Murdocks and Gail. Do you remember that? I felt so stupid. Wallpaper removal is a huge one. Also, going around all over the place hunting for appliances and setting everything up as "the Palmer's" a questionable lesbian family with 2 moms and a baby boy, or at least that's what everyone thought I'm sure. I would have said the "jokes" I tell that only you get and then laugh at me for looking so dumb. Ahhh...the good times!!
heehee...driving in Jareds car...listening to Ghetto superstar with our " moles"
HAHAHA that's funny, the first thing I thought of was the orange gas bomb too!!!! I guess I must be scarred!!!We had some good times at girls camps!
I also remember all the times we drove places together listening to techno music, dance parties, all the fun times we had at your family's christmas parties, during the Esther Play, and the Young womans play when we were all chinese. :) you are one of those people that always makes me laugh SO hard!!! I Miss you!!
and please feel free to add me to your links! :)
How could I ever pick...there is just so many awesome memories! Some that stand out...driving home in the summer in your car when a wasp came attacking us...and some how within 3 seconds you pulled over safely put the car in park and took the keys out...hahaha that was so freaky, but amazing on your part! Staying in bed all day and talking, speaking with chineese accent, and french (rare red rose)...the dances of course! I just thought of 4 more, but I'll stop. Just love them all!!
The whole time we lived in Varsity house! Oh there are so many to choose from! Blasting Moulin Rouge in the car and singing at the top of our lungs. Dressing up in 80's clothes and doing "Queen of the Night".... Oh so many fun times!!
Two words...
Dancing Queen!!!
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