Before I can post about the most recent happenings in our life, I have to document Jaclyn's THIRD birthday!! I can't believe she's that old already! She's my baby!! It started out rather early, I woke up in the night and found my husband MIA, and I tracked him down in the kids' room sleeping. I couldn't resist taking pictures when I discovered the position they were in! It was too adorable!
First thing we did when it was actually time to wake up, was get Jaclyn dressed up in her "ladybug dress". She asks me to wear it all the time, to which I usually reply "No, it's just for sundays". But how could I turn her down on her birthday??? So she got all dressed up. We decided to open presents in the morning so that Jaclyn would have some fun new things to play with throughout the day. She loved all her presents, her favorite being the bean bags I made her! Hooray for little kids not knowing how bad something is! :) This is pretty much the first thing I've sewed on my own and as easy as it sounds, they still weren't perfect. But I was happy with them and Jaclyn doesn't know any better. :) I made a poster for her too so that she had something to throw them at/through. Jacey and her played throughout the day and had lots of fun!
Later that evening, we had Jeffrey's siblings over for some cake and ice cream. The kids had a lot of fun and Jaclyn loved her rainbow cake! I still can't believe she's 3! I guess it does feel like a million years since she was born, but it doesn't seem real to me that I have a 3 yr old and a 4 yr old. Crazy! Jaclyn is such a sweet girl, but she's got a lot of fire in her! She is no pushover. In fact, she's more often now the pusher rather than the pushee. She's definitely coming into her "terrible threes". Everything's a bit more of a challenge with her, but she's just trying to figure out the whole independence thing. It's a lot more work, but we love her and she's worth it! She's still the super loving, snuggly little girl she's always been. She's always been more of a Daddy's girl, but to Jeffrey's dismay, she's gotten a little more attached to me. Always wanting mommy to do things for her. And even though that just means more work for me, it also means more affection from her. :) I like it! I'm trying to think of more things to say about her, but let's face it, my brain isn't functioning at 100% right now. She's a doll and we absolutely love her and everything she brings to our family!! We are grateful for her in our lives! Happy Birthday Jaclyn!!
Hawaii: Day 7
2 months ago
Yeah - I still can't believe she's 3. And she certainly is a sassy little thing! :) Love her!
Hmmm.. I just posted my post and it didn't work. I'll say it again.
She is so cute! I love her and expecially whe she gives me her look with her eyes closed...haha! So funny. Great Birthday you had for her. She is so lucky to have a fun mom like you!
Good work on the bean bags - and the cake is so adorable! I can't believe she is 3. Wow! congratulations...only wish we were there for the celebration :)
I really can't get over the she's 3 already!!! She's beautiful (just like her mommy!)
I love the bean bags and poster score board. What a cute idea. The cake is super cute too! Great idea to use Smarties and SO much easier than piping it all!
OK stop teasing us and put up some pics of that babe! ;)
Love the cake. What an awesome idea. And that dress is so cute, no wonder she wants to wear it every day. :)
Before I had time to actually read your post I scanned the pictures. I thought I'd have to ask where you bought your little bean bag game because I thought it was really cute. Then to discover, after reading the post, that you made it I'm SUPER IMPRESSED! I totally thought it was store bought! Now you better quit saying you're crafty--you make wonderful things. I like the cake too! Really cute and really easy...I'll be using that idea sometime for sure! The only sad things is that the colors on the smarties aren't as bright, now that they make them with natural coloring (dumb).
Happy Birthday to Jaclyn!
I love the cake! So cute!
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